National Committees HSE/HIQA/Dept Health:

  1. 2001 – present National Home Birth Committee for Ireland. Representing Service Users Perspective. I have been on various national home birth committees through the years starting in 2003 and still sit on the current incarnation. Home birth is a service that has been much neglected in Ireland and one which the National Maternity Strategy for Ireland recommends should be enhanced. The current services are very much sporadic and dependent on where you live and the capacity to pay. I have been campaigning for home birth to become a viable free option for women and their families in Ireland since 2001. You can find out more about home birth in Ireland on my blog
  2. 2015  2016. Consumer representative on the Steering Committee for the National Maternity Strategy for Ireland
  3. 2016 Consumer representative on the Advisory Group for the National Standards for Safer Better Maternity Services
  4.  2016 – present. Consumer representative on National Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services Steering Committee

Local Committees

  1. 2008 – present. Consumer representative on the National Maternity Hospital Baby Friendly Committee.
  2. 2015 – present. Consumer representative on The Rotunda Patient Forum

Recent other events I recently participated in:

March 2017: ALCI Study Day

March 2017: Speaker at the Annual La Leche League Conference of Ireland

February 2017: Speaker at the Optibirth Conference, TCD and NUIG

February 2017: Addressed the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health Daill Eirean

January 2017: NPEC Major Obstetric Haemorrhage Conference.

October 2016: ALCI Conference

September 2016: Speaker at the Irish Midwives Association Conference

May 2016: The Essence of Midwifery Conference

March 2016: Speaker at the Annual La Leche League Conference of Ireland