Childbirth preparation in Dublin: Using homeopathy will help you prepare for the many emotional and physical symptoms of early and established labour. Homeopathic remedies and knowing how to use them are an extremely helpful addition to any birth bag, whether you are going to have your baby in hospital or at home and whether you are planning a normal birth without interventions, a birth with pharmacological pain relief or a caesarean birth. To book click here.

How can homeopathy help in childbirth?

Homeopathy helps with the many emotional symptoms of labour, such as anxiety, fear and the feeling of being overwhelmed. These symptoms arise irrespective of what type of birth you are planning and can often arise even with established childbirth preparation techniques you have been learning. Homeopathy enables you to feel more balanced and therefore optimises your focus and your use of visualisations and breathing.

This course is primarily geared towards pregnant people and their partners. The course will look at the main homeopathic remedies that are helpful in labour birth and beyond and will cover the following topics amongst others:

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Homeopathy and symptoms during labour

1. When the labour starts going very quickly and its hard to stay focused and catch your breath
2. When you feel completely exhausted because the labour has been long
3. When you feel anxious or frightened
4. When you feel overwhelmed or distressed
5. When you have the symptoms of a back labour

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Homeopathy and Symptoms after the birth (postnatally).

1. Helping with the symptoms of bruising
2. Helping with the symptoms of tears, grazes, cuts and scars
3. Helping with the symptoms of mastitis

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How do I use homeopathic remedies during labour and birth?

We will look at potency (how strong should a remedy be), dosage (how should it be given?) and repeats (how often should it be repeated within a certain time span).

At the end of the course you will have a basic idea of how homeopathy supports women during this intense time of transition and also what remedies match which symptoms.

You will also have an idea of how to use a basic homeopathic birth kit, and we will talk a bit about creating your own birth and postpartum kit. There is an online support tool for the course so participants will be able to refer to this to refresh their memories after the course is over!

Homeopathy to support labour and birth

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This service is also available on a one to one as a private session if you can’t make the course. More details here